Thursday, May 9th | 9:00pm – 11:00pm | M.A.U. Club
#07 AmWiRe | ORR
Comedy | 2023 | 03:34 min

After a fatal accident, Martin has to cope with the strange conditions imposed by the Office for Rebirth and Reincarnation (AmWiRe) and its administrator Beate, while he also attempts to find a suitable life for himself.
Director: Jakob Vyzina, 21 y., Kornwestheim
D.O.P.: Kevin Brari
Editor: Jakob Vyzina
#08 Captain Carter II | Captain Carter II
StopMotion, Action | 2023 | 03:13 min | Trigger warning

Everyone knows who Captain America is. But have you ever heard of Captain Carter? The female counterpart of the shield-throwing Marvel hero is shown in the proper light here. On an action-packed mission, she storms the hideout of a criminal organisation to stop their criminal activities.
Director: Jonathan Schneider, 19 y., Freising
D.O.P.: Jonathan Schneider
Editor: Jonathan Schneider
#09 Wolke Z | swim and float
Drama, Coming of Age | 2024 | 16:45 min | Trigger warning

In order to keep up with her best friend’s experiences, Mila throws herself into her first sexual experience with a classmate. But when she realises that she’s not ready, it’s too late.
Director: Janina Lutter, 23 y., Dieburg
D:O:P:: Fabienne Schweers
Editor: Paul Galli
#10 White Space Station | White Space Station
Science Fiction | 2023 | 04:32 min

On a space station in the clouds, a lonely pilot is waiting to be picked up.
Director: Adrian Zacke, 22 y., Reutlingen
D.O.P.: Richard Hildebrand
Editor: Adrian Zacke
#11 it’s just a whole | it’s just a whole
Animation, Experimental | 2023 | 10:37 min

She knew this day would come and the choice she’d have to make. But as it finally comes, Maya cannot wrap her head around it. A mole – it’s so small, so insignificant, just a mark… How can it be so hard to part from it? Can Maya ever feel whole again when a bit of her is taken away?
Director: Bianca Scali, 24 y., Ludwigsburg
D.O.P.: Markus Ott
Editor: Revan Sarikaya
#12 Schallner | Schallner
Drama | 2023 | 07:26 min

Every great personality needs their own lackey. A contrabass player in particular needs someone to carry the bulky instrument, and not just for practical reasons – real stars have their basses carried.
Director: Jon Grandpierre, Yakob El Deeb, 25 y., Köln
D.O.P.: Yakob El Deeb
Editor: Yakob El Deeb