
What do we mean by awareness?


Awareness stands for ‘mindfulness’ and ‘consciousness’. This means that we want to reflect on our own behavior, respect the boundaries of others and also communicate our own and offer help.


We do not tolerate any form of discrimination or boundary crossing and reserve the right to expel people who are verbally or physically abusive from the festival site and to delete abusive comments online.


We present content that shows a fair and modern image of social categories such as gender, origin or age, portraying the diverse perspectives and realities of life in a colorful society. Our films and videos are open to dialog, even if they address topics that can be political, relevant or painful.


The reality is that assaults and abusive behavior occur time and again in many areas of life. As a cultural institution, we see it as our responsibility not to avoid discussions of this kind, but to establish and maintain a considerate, responsible and supportive way of dealing with one another. We give those affected a space and the opportunity to express themselves in a low-threshold manner. We want to initiate and support reappraisal when allegations are dealt with in a transparent and victim-oriented manner. 


A safe environment at the festival is important to us, so that everyone feels comfortable. It helps if visitors know how to communicate with the festival team if this is not the case. All festival staff are approachable and can be asked for help. If the person you are talking to has no capacity, they will help you find the right person to contact. We will listen to you and help if you want us to.


You can talk to us (also anonymously) or chat with us on +49 (0)381 20354 34 if you have experienced or observed something unjust or if you feel uncomfortable. This also applies to participants online!


If you have any further questions, please contact