Rostock Shorts: New Short films with the HMT
Vom Stehen und Fallen
Short film, DE, 2023, R: Paul Raatz, 15:00 min
Eric finds it difficult to deal with his grief. However, faits accomplis between him and his partner Lydi force him to get to the bottom of himself. A short film about masculinity, grief and love – and the apparent absence of all of that.
with film discussion
Paul Raatz
Paul Raatz
Born in 1990
Apprenticeship as media designer image and sound
Bachelor’s degree in English, communication and media studies
Was involved with three other directors in the dual role of author and director on an episodic feature film project
He is currently working on his documentary debut and writing his first feature film
Filmography (selection)
2023 | Tomken – Benzin (Music video)
2020 | Allein (Short film)
2020 | Dein Jahr in Loitz (Advertisement)
2019 | Antitrauma (Short film)
2018 | Welt Unter (Episode film)
2017 | Grünes Gift (Short film)
2014 | Ich mag dich (Short film)
Dramedy, Rostock, 2023, R: Anna Schimrigks, 17:18 min
BIANCA has suffered from panic attacks since she was a child and ever since LOUISE broke up with her, she hasn’t left the apartment they shared for fear of fear. But when her former BFF THEO and his girlfriend JOY suddenly appear in their living room, Bianca is forced to deal with reality.
with film discussion
Anna Schimrigks
Anna Schimrigks
Born in 1992
2011-2015 bachelor’s degree in acting at the film university “Konrad Wolf” in Potsdam Babelsberg
Freelance film actress and screenwriter since 2015
Nominated for the Studio Hamburg Young Actors Award 2016
Founded the writing collective OderDoch in 2019 together with screenwriter and producer Nina Rathke. The two write films, series and plays together
She is currently the head author in the development of her own series for ZDF neo
Filmography (selection)
BIANCA FUCKS FEAR (shooting 2022/completion 2023) is Anna Schimrigk’s first film directorial work
Drama, Rostock, 2023, R: Benjamin Kramme und Jennifer Sabel, 12:25 min
On a farm in Mecklenburg, Freyja is fighting for the life of her daughter Sieglinde, who is suffering from severe pneumonia. But although she follows everything that the “Germanic new medicine” prescribes, the girl is getting worse and Freyja has to decide whether she is ready to sacrifice her daughter for her folkish ideology.
with film discussion
Benjamin Kramme
Benjamin Kramme
Born in Weimar, 1982
Studied acting at the Film University Potsdam-Babelsberg and then worked as a freelance actor for film, theater and radio plays in Berlin
He is a co-founder of Wunschkindfilm and makes film projects alongside Jennifer Sabel as a screenwriter and director
Filmography (selection)
Jennifer Sabel
Jennifer Sabel
Born sometime in the 80’s
A Hamburg’er by heart
Studied acting at the August Everding Theater Academy in Munich
Since 2016 she has been playing at the Mecklenburg State Theater in Schwerin
She is a co-founder of Wunschkindfilm and makes film projects as a screenwriter and director alongside Benjamin Kramme
Dramedy, Rostock, 2023, R: David Schultes, 16:38 min
In a job-creation scheme, young unemployed people are supposed to put a ready-made play on stage under the guidance of a drama teacher. However, when the participants write their own play, a conflict arises between genuine self-realization and what is imposed by the drama teacher.
with film discussion
David Schultes
David Schultes
Born in Rostock/Warnemünde, 1981
Finished secondary school in Rostock in 1999
Did an apprenticeship in a restaurant in 2000
Did community service at the University Clinic Rostock in 2001
Worked at the civil engineering Goliath Rostock in 2002
Was a private guitar teacher in 2010
Internship at the Institut für neue Medien in 2016
Had an apprenticeship as a digital and print media designer at Media College Rostock in 2017
Media educator in the field of video and film at the Institut für neue Medien Rostock since 2021
Filmography (selection)
2019 | PLATTENBAU (Short film)
2021 | Es gibt Huhn (Short film)