Saturday, 29.04., 21.00 – 23.00, M.A.U. Club
#21 Border Conversations | Border Conversations
Documentary, 2022, 30:00 min
In November 2021, thousands of migrants will try to enter the EU via Belarus and Poland. BORDER CONVERSATIONS follows two Polish activists when they too suddenly reach their limits.
#23 Gedanken über Kunst | Thoughts About Art
Experimental, 2022, 07:42 min
What is art? Since an explicit answer to this question seems impossible, it remains merely a vague thought. And how can this be done as incomprehensibly as possible? With an art film.
#24 Fleischwolf | Meat Grinder
Satire, 2022, 16:00 min
After a serious accident, Lizzy confronts her friends Matthew Thomas Mossbach and Rosanna with her newfound worldview, whereupon the three lose themselves in a bizarre dialogue about the circumstances of our existence.